Affiliate - Seminole Theatre
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Seminole Theatre
18 N Krome Ave
Homestead, Florida 33030
(305) 248-8001
Business Details:
"Providing a creative hub of theater, music, dance and education in south Miami-Dade county and the Upper Keys.."
The Seminole Theatre is the premiere performing arts center of Homestead, Florida. The Seminole provides a creative hub of theater, music, dance and education in south Dade county. The Seminole Theatre's mission is to make the live performing arts accessible to the diverse community of the greater Homestead region and to attract established and emerging artists of excellence locally, nationally, and internationally. Attn: Rutter, Bronwen 18920 S.W. 266 St. Homestead | FL 33031 | (305) 247-0169 Cell: (305) 794-5024 | Email